Essential oils for breathing
The most troublesome symptoms of colds or allergies are often those related to congestion of the respiratory tracts.
During these outbreaks, the blood vessels irrigating the face become congested. This makes it harder for blood to circulate in this area, causing the sensation of a blocked nose and headaches that can be associated. At the pulmonary level, coughing can also be embarrassing and lead to poor sleep. Finally, the tired body is more sensitive to bacterial infections, and recovers less quickly. Essential oils can be effective companions in reducing these symptoms and accelerating healing.

Eucalyptus globulus essential oil
Rich in anti-inflammatory 1,8-cineol, Eucalyptus globulus essential oil will have a decongestant effect, which will allow a better blood circulation. Also as a venous tonic, it will help to release the sensation of a blocked nose.

Lavender essential oil
Rich in linalyl acetate and linalol with analgesic properties, Lavander essential oil will soothe and relax the user, thus allowing deeper breathing and better recovery.

Scots pine essential oil
Rich in α and β-pinene, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial molecules, Scots Pine essential oil has an analgesic, expectorant and antiseptic action. It will thus relieve muscle pain in the chest caused by coughing, and facilitate the clearance of the respiratory tract while preventing the appearance of a microbial infection.

Rosemary ct camphor essential oil
This essential oil is rich in camphor and 1,8-cineole, which are molecules with anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and tonic properties. The essential oil of camphor rosemary will therefore have a relaxing action on the muscles, in addition to facilitating blood circulation in the body.

Thyme thymol essential oil
Composed of thymol and paracymene, thyme thymol essential oil is known for its antiseptic properties, just like cinnamon essential oil rich in eugenol.
Synergistic effect of these essential oils
This synergy has an important respiratory activity thanks to the presence of essential oils of Eucalyptus and Rosemary. Indeed, it will have a good expectorant and decongestant action on the respiratory tract. The presence of Lavandin essential oil will soothe irritated areas, as will Scots Pine essential oil, which contains monoterpenes that will soothe and restructure tissues. The latter will also have an important antiseptic action, enhanced by the essential oils of Thyme thymol and Cinnamon. Finally, Lavandin essential oil, through its relaxing and soothing action, will allow the body to recover better by promoting relaxation. Thus, this synergy will help to clear the nose and soothe the breath. Thanks to the antiseptic essential oils, the diffusion in the air of the molecules of the synergy will support the immune system by purifying the air.
The right gestures to maximize the effect of synergy

The chest massage will facilitate the clearance of the respiratory tract via mechanical action.
The application of synergy to the throat and nose will allow a direct action of essential oils on the one hand on the transcutaneous level, and on the other hand by inhalation, to act effectively on the sensation of blocked nose and soothe the breathing and headaches possibly associated.